List of publications using ADI antibodies and other products for Human ELISA Kits  

ProductAuthorsYear of PubTitleJournalendWesternIHCIPOther techComments  

AFP ELISAToietta G2003Reduced inflammation and improved airway expression using Helper-Dependent adenoviral vectors with a k18 promoterMolecular Therapy 7, 649-658Antibodies/Products used for: , , Human Blood  

AFP ELISAKajiyama Y2002Regulation of -Fetoprotein Expression by Nkx2.8Mol. Cell. Biol. 22, 6122-6130Antibodies/Products used for: , ,  

albuminYaccoby S2002Antimyeloma efficacy of thalidomide in the SCID-hu modelBlood 100: 4162-4168Antibodies/Products used for: , , human albumin detection in tumor transplanted mice  

albuminDrobna Z2004Interindividual variation in the metabolism of arsenic in cultured primary human hepatocytesToxicology Applied Pharmacol. 201, 166-177Antibodies/Products used for: , , human albumin detection in culture medium  

Albumin ELISAKajiyama Y2002Regulation of -Fetoprotein Expression by Nkx2.8Mol. Cell. Biol. 22, 6122-6130Antibodies/Products used for: , ,  

AldosteroneMin L-J2005Aldosterone and Angiotensin II Synergistically Induce Mitogenic Response in Vascular Smooth Muscle CellsCirc. Res. In pressAntibodies/Products used for: , ,  

AmylaseWarzechaa, Z2001Hepatocyte growth factor attenuates pancreatic damage in caerulein-induced pancreatitis in ratsEur J Pharmacol. 430, 113-121Antibodies/Products used for: , , serum amylase  

CA199Koopman J2004Serum Diagnosis of Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma Using Surface-Enhanced Laser Desorption and Ionization Mass SpectrometryClin. Cancer Res., 10: 860 - 868Antibodies/Products used for: , , CA199 elisa serum  

CA199Koopman J2004Serum Macrophage Inhibitory Cytokine 1 as a Marker of Pancreatic and Other Periampullary CancersClin. Cancer Res., 10: 2386 - 2392Antibodies/Products used for: , , CA199 elisa serum  

CEASreekumar A2004Humoral Immune Response to -Methylacyl-CoA Racemase and Prostate CancerJ Natl Cancer Inst, 96: 834 - 843Antibodies/Products used for: , , microarray, used pure proteins 

CEAReinblstt M2004Carcinoembryonic antigen directed herpes viral oncolysis improves selectivity and activity in colorectal cancerSurgery, 136, 3, September , 579-584Antibodies/Products used for: , , LS174T and HCT-8 cells 

CRPFusshoeller A2004Biocompatibility pattern of a bicarbonate/lactate-buffered peritoneal dialysis fluid in APD: a prospective, randomized studyNephrol. Dial. Transplant., 19: 2101 - 2106Antibodies/Products used for: , , plasma CRP, interassay, intra-assay, CV  

CRP ELISATondeur MC2004Determination of iron absorption from intrinsically labeled microencapsulated ferrous fumarate (sprinkles) in infants with different iron and hematologic status by using a dual-stable-isotope methodAm. J. Clinical Nutrition, 80: 1436 - 1444Antibodies/Products used for:, , CRP plasma 

CRP ELISABullo M2003Systemic Inflammation, Adipose Tissue Tumor Necrosis Factor, and Leptin ExpressionObes. Res., 11: 525 - 531Antibodies/Products used for: , ,  

CRP ELISABlum A2004Endothelial dysfunction and inflammation after percutaneous coronary interventionAm. J. Cardiology, 94, 1420-1423Antibodies/Products used for: , , CRP in human serum  

CRP ELISARaio L2003Evidence of fetal C-reactive protein urinary excretion in early gestationObstetrics & Gynecology 101, 1062-1063Antibodies/Products used for: , , human urine  

CRP ELISAEdwards DJ2002MARKERS OF INFLAMMATION ARE MODIFIED BY EXERCISE TRAINING IN CORONARY ARTERY DISEASEMed. & Science in Sports & Exercise. 34(5) Supplement 1:S180Antibodies/Products used for: , , CRP ELISA meeting abstract  

CRP ELISAGhanim H2004Circulating Mononuclear Cells in the Obese Are in a Proinflammatory StateCirculation 110: 1564 - 1571Antibodies/Products used for: , , CRP plasma in obese subjects  

CRP ELISAEdwards DJ2003C-REACTIVE PROTEIN AND IL-6 ARE MODIFIED BY CARDIAC REHABILITATIONJ. cardiolpulmonary Rehab. 22, 364Antibodies/Products used for: , , CRP ELISA meeting abstract  

CRP ELISAKhaodhiar L2004Serum Levels of Interleukin-6 and C-Reactive Protein Correlate With Body Mass Index Across the Broad Range of ObesityJPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr, 28: 410 - 415Antibodies/Products used for: , , CRP in human serum  

CRP ELISAFabbi P2004Intense lipid peroxidation in premature clinical coronary atherosclerosis is associated with metabolic abnormalitiesJ. Laboratory Clinical Med., 143, 99-105Antibodies/Products used for: , , serum crp elisa  

CRP ELISACerchietti LCA2004Effects of celecoxib, medroxyprogesterone, and dietary intervention on systemic syndromes in patients with advanced lung adenocarcinoma: a pilot studyJ. Pain Symptom Manage. 27(1):85-95.Antibodies/Products used for: , , CRP ELISA  

CRP ELISAAggarwal A2004Increased coronary arterial release of interleukin-1 receptor antagonist and soluble CD40 ligand indicative of inflammation associated with culprit coronary plaquesThe Am. J. Cardiology, 93, 6-9Antibodies/Products used for: human serum, frozenCRP ELISA 

CRP ELISAPhillips T2003A Dietary Supplement Attenuates IL-6 and CRP after Eccentric Exercise in Untrained Males.Med. & Science in Sports & Exercise. 35(12):2032-2037,Antibodies/Products used for: , , CRP ELISA  

CRP ELISAMoe SM2003Uremia induces the osteoblast differentiation factor Cbfa1 in human blood vesselsKidney Intl. 63, 3, 1003-1011Antibodies/Products used for: , , CRP ELISA  

CRP ELISAFischer CP2005Elevated plasma interleukin-18 is a marker of insulin-resistance in type 2 diabetic and non-diabetic humansClinical Immunology in pressAntibodies/Products used for: , , CRP in EDTA-plasma  

CRP ELISAFrank RA2003Biological markers for therapeutic trials in Alzheimer’s disease: Proceedings of the biological markers working group; NIA initiative on neuroimaging in Alzheimer’s diseaseNeuroBiol. Aging, 24, 521-536Antibodies/Products used for: , , mentioned ADI CRP ELISA  

CRP ELISAAggarwal A2003Comparison of effects of abciximab versus eptifibatide on C-reactive protein, interleukin-6, and interleukin-1 receptor antagonist after coronary arterial stentingThe Am. J. Cardiology, 91,1346-1349Antibodies/Products used for: human serum, frozenCRP ELISA  

CRP ELISABruunsgaard H2003Long-Term Combined Supplementations with -Tocopherol and Vitamin C Have No Detectable Anti-Inflammatory Effects in Healthy MenJ. Nutr., 133: 1170 - 1173Antibodies/Products used for: , , CRP ELISA  

CRP ELISAPhillips T2003A Dietary Supplement Attenuates IL-6 and CRP after Eccentric Exercise in Untrained Males.Med. & Science in Sports & Exercise. 35(12):2032-2037,Antibodies/Products used for: , , CRP ELISA  

CRP ELISAAthyros VG2005Targeting vascular risk in patients with metabolic syndrome but without diabetesMetabol., 54, 1065-1074Antibodies/Products used for: , , CRP ELISA, serum  

CRP ELISALabarrere C2002C-reactive protein, arterial endothelial activation, and development of transplant coronary artery disease: a prospective studyLancet 360, 1462-1467Antibodies/Products used for: , , CRP ELISA  

CRP ELISARotondi M2004High Pretransplant Serum Levels of CXCL10/IP-10 Are Related to Increased Risk of Renal Allograft FailureAm. J. Transplantation 4, 9, 1466-1474Antibodies/Products used for: , , CRP ELISA  

CRP ELISAChen NX2002Phosphorus and uremic serum up-regulate osteopontin expression in vascular smooth muscle cellsKidney Intl. 62, 5, 1724Antibodies/Products used for: , , CRP ELISA  

CRP ELISACusick SE2005Short-term effects of vitamin A and antimalarial treatment on erythropoiesis in severely anemic Zanzibari preschool childrenAm. J. Clinical Nutrition, in pressAntibodies/Products used for: , , CRP ELISA  

CRP ELISAPrio TK2002Asymptomatic bacteriuria in elderly humans is associated with increased levels of circulating TNF receptors and elevated numbers of neutrophilsExpt. Gerontol. 37, 693-699Antibodies/Products used for: , , CRP ELISA  

CRP ELISAGogo PB2005Relation of Leukocytosis to C-Reactive Protein and Interleukin-6 Among Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary InterventionAm. J. Cardiology, 96(4):538-42Antibodies/Products used for: , , CRP ELISA, serum  

CRP ELISAVerhaeghe J2005Adipokine profile and C-reactive protein in pregnancy: Effects of glucose challenge response versus body mass indexJ. the Society for Gynecologic Investigation 12, 330-334Antibodies/Products used for: , , CRP ELISA, plasma  

CRP ELISAKaibe M2005Serum Interleukin-15 Concentration in Patients With Essential HypertensionAmerican Journal of Hypertension 18, 1019-1025Antibodies/Products used for: , , CRP in serum  

CRP ELISAObisesan TO2004C-Reactive Protein Genotypes Affect Baseline, but not Exercise Training-Induced Changes, in C-Reactive Protein LevelsArterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol., 24, 1874-1879Antibodies/Products used for: , , CRP ELISA  

DHTPechersky AV2002Androgen administration in middle-aged and ageing men: effects of oral testosterone undecanoate on dihydrotestosterone, oestradiol and prostate volumeIntl. J. Urology. 25(2):119-125Antibodies/Products used for: , ,  

DHTDienstknecht T2002Sex steroid-mediated regulation of macrophage/monocyte function in a two-hit model of trauma–hemorrhage and sepsisCytokine, 25, 3, 110-118Antibodies/Products used for: , , mouse serum  

DHTZhang L2003Interrogating Androgen Receptor Function in Recurrent Prostate CancerCancer Res., 63: 4552 - 4560Antibodies/Products used for: , , mouse DHT, Amqualex, mouse PSA  

DHT ELISAJi H2005Gonadal steroid regulation of renal injury in renal wrap hypertensionAm J Physiol Renal Physiol 288: F513-F520Antibodies/Products used for: , , rat  

DHT ELISAColon E2005Stimulation of Steroidogenesis in Immature Rat Leydig Cells Evoked by Interleukin-1 Is Potentiated by Growth Hormone and Insulin-Like Growth FactorsEndocrinol., 146: 221 - 230Antibodies/Products used for: , , leydig cell culture medium elisa  

EstradiolYu A-M2005Potential Role for Human Cytochrome P450 3A4 in Estradiol HomeostasisEndocrinol., 146: 2911 - 2919Antibodies/Products used for: , , estradiol elisa  

Ferritin HumanShackelford RE2004Iron chelators increase the resistance of Ataxia telangeictasia cells to oxidative stressDNA Repair 3, 1263-1272Antibodies/Products used for: , , AT22 human lung cultured cells  

HCGChan D2004PLACENTAL HANDLING OF FATTY ACID ETHYL ESTERS: PERFUSION AND SUBCELLULAR STUDIESJ. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 310(1):75-82Antibodies/Products used for: , , hcg in tissue lysate  

HCG/salivaIvnitski D2004Hand-held amperometric sensor for saliva and other oral fluid-based diagnosticsAnalytica Chimica Acta 504, 265-269Antibodies/Products used for: , , HCG/sensor assay  

IGFBP1 elisaKrikun G2004A novel immortalized human endometrial stromal cell line with normal progestational responseEndocrinol., 145: 2291 - 2296Antibodies/Products used for: , ,  

LH/salivaIvnitski D2004Hand-held amperometric sensor for saliva and other oral fluid-based diagnosticsAnalytica Chimica Acta 504, 265-269Antibodies/Products used for: , , HCG/sensor assay  

Prolactin elisaKrikun G2004A novel immortalized human endometrial stromal cell line with normal progestational responseEndocrinol., 145: 2291 - 2296Antibodies/Products used for: , ,  

PSAZhao H2004Diverse Effects of Methylseleninic Acid on the Transcriptional Program of Human Prostate Cancer CellsMol. Biol. Cell, 15: 506 - 519.Antibodies/Products used for: , , PSA in culture medium  

PSASong L-N2004Antiandrogen Effects of Mifepristone on Coactivator and Corepressor Interactions with the Androgen ReceptorMol. Endocrinol., 18: 70 - 85Antibodies/Products used for: , , PSA in culture medium  

PSASreekumar A2004Humoral Immune Response to -Methylacyl-CoA Racemase and Prostate CancerJ Natl Cancer Inst, 96: 834 - 843Antibodies/Products used for: , , microarray, used pure proteins  

SHBG ELISAHryb Dj2002Sex hormone-binding globulin in the human prostate is locally synthesized and may act as an autocrine/paracrine effectorJ. Biol. Chem, 277, 26618-26622Antibodies/Products used for:, , Human LNCaP, DU 145, and PC 3 cells  

T3Huang W2005Soy Protein Isolate Increases Hepatic Thyroid Hormone Receptor Content and Inhibits Its Binding to Target Genes in RatsJ. Nutr., 135: 1631 - 1635Antibodies/Products used for: , , T3 ELISA  

T3 (rat plasma)Xiao CW2004Dietary Soy Protein Isolate and Isoflavones Modulate Hepatic Thyroid Hormone Receptors in RatsJ. Nutr., 134: 743 - 749Antibodies/Products used for: , , T3 in rat Plasma  

T3 elisaTsai Chen-En2002Genomic Imprinting Contributes to Thyroid Hormone Metabolism in the Mouse EmbryoCurrent Biol. 12: 1221-1226Antibodies/Products used for: , , T3 elisa kit  

T4Maglich2004The nuclear receptor CAR is a regulator of thyroid hormone metabolism during caloric restrictionJ. Biol. Chem., 279, 19832 - 19838.Antibodies/Products used for: , , mice serum T4  

T4Huang W2005Soy Protein Isolate Increases Hepatic Thyroid Hormone Receptor Content and Inhibits Its Binding to Target Genes in RatsJ. Nutr., 135: 1631 - 1635Antibodies/Products used for: , , T3 ELISA  

T4 (rat plasma)Xiao CW2004Dietary Soy Protein Isolate and Isoflavones Modulate Hepatic Thyroid Hormone Receptors in RatsJ. Nutr., 134: 743 - 749Antibodies/Products used for: , , T4 in rat Plasma  

TestosteroneBhat GK2003Does Leptin Mediate the Effect of Photoperiod on Immune Function in Mice?Biol. Reprod. 69, 30-36Antibodies/Products used for: , , mouse testosterone/leptin from AD  

transferrin hZamudio S2005Effects of chronic hypoxia in vivo on the expression of human placental glucose transportersPlacenta, In PressAntibodies/Products used for: , , human plasma  

ADI antibodies used for :  WB=Western Blot, IHC=Immunohistochemistry, IF=Immunofluorescence; IP=Immunoprecipitation  

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