Research Use Notification Form for Human ELISA Kits

The U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires ADI to certify in writing that U.S customers, who purchase products labeled For "In Vitro Research Use Only" are aware that these products are not cleared or approved by the FDA for diagnostic or therapeutic uses. To comply with this requirement, ADI requests that the individual in your facility ultimately responsible for the product usage complete the Research Use Notification Form.

You may indicate your compliance online by using the form below, or you may complete and FAX (210-561-9544) the print version below:
Get Adobe AcrobatResearch Use Notification Form for Human ELISA Kits (PDF)

Questions? Please contact us.

Enter Information About the ELISA Kits you Purchased:

ELISA Kit Catalog #: Description:
ELISA Kit Catalog #: Description:
ELISA Kit Catalog #: Description:
ELISA Kit Catalog #: Description:
ELISA Kit Catalog #: Description:

I am aware that products marked "In Vitro Research Use Only" are not cleared or approved by the FDA for diagnostic or therapeutic uses. I also understand that ADI reserves the right to discontinue supplying the product if the requirements described above are not met and if this form is not returned. 

Principal Investigator: *
Institution: *
Email Address: *
Phone Number: FAX:
Address: *
City: *
Province/Country (oustide US):
State: Zip: